Stand With Cain!

Maurice Atkinson,

I’ve known Herman Cain for nearly a decade. Mr. Cain has been an honorable and decent human being who has worked tirelessly to make a positive difference in his world. In fact, Cain is a rare commodity; he makes things happen as opposed to waiting on the powers that be to create one’s paradigm.

Earlier this year I had a phone conversation with him and indicated he would be swimming in the sewer before he began to soar. At the time, I had no clue how prophetic those words were. Herman Cain will outwork just about anyone to reach his goal, it’s in his DNA. He set his goal high and has been working like the election were tomorrow to promote his vision.

At the starting gate all the players and power brokers laughed indicating he would have no chance. Actually, this is the first attempt to stymie anyone who is pursuing a worthy goal. You see it every day. This is to be expected.

Then the dirty tricks begin, which are meant to not necessarily to hurt him, but to thwart his ability to gain traction. These are the whisper rumors that you hear like; he’s broke and won’t be able to raise enough donations to be viable. Politicians and politicos are great at pontificating what a candidate should do. They’re also great at providing pious platitudes suggesting the wonderful you are, all the while stabbing you in the back. That’s how politicians work. I’ve seen it happen to Cain in the 2004 election for the U.S. Senate. One Georgia State Senator approached me and said how much they like Cain, but they really wished he would run for a County Commission or a State House seat….

Now that Cain has catapulted in the polls, defying all the odds, the big guns come out. What people need to understand is that Herman Cain isn’t running for Mayor. These are high stakes. There are coalitions of both Democrats and Republicans that want nothing to do with a Cain candidacy, let alone the prospects of a Cain presidency. Cain challenges their power base. For God sake’s he’s talking about replacing the tax code and creating empowerment zones, which will challenge the multi-national business barons.

Does anyone realize just how much corruption and political payoffs are built in to the code? It didn’t become an 8 million word mess without it lining some elitist’s wallet… They’re pissed off and will do anything to stop him.

This is now an all-out contest of will. Will you stand with Herman Cain?